Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (SCAI), a division of the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, provides educational opportunities that foster individual growth, ethical development and personal accountability while promoting the core values of the university: integrity, scholarship, community, creativity, and excellence.
Our Goals
- Educate students, student organizations, faculty and staff on community responsibilities and behavioral standards
- Provide fair and impartial review for students and student organizations charged with violating University policies
- Assign purposeful sanctions that support personal growth and development
- Promote a campus climate of civility and accountability
- Promote a safe and inclusive atmosphere conducive to student success
Our Educational Outcomes
Individuals involved in the Student Conduct process will:
- Demonstrate comprehension of the Student Conduct Review Process
- Be able to identify their rights as students
- Understand their responsibilities as community members
- Demonstrate a greater awareness of their own developing identity
- Demonstrate insight into their abilities for ethical decision making
- Understand the consequences of their actions
- Display positive change in their decision making